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Onduline Bitumen Roofing

Why choose Onduline

Onduline is an attractive, lightweight but extremely tough corrugated roofing and wall cladding material.

Its proven weathering qualities, coupled with the ease and safety with which it can be handled and fixed, have resulted in it being used extensively on a wide range of buildings across the globe in all kinds of climatic conditions.

Since its development more than 50 years ago, Onduline has benefited from a continuing process of development and is now offered as a roofing system complete with a comprehensive range of accessories able to deliver effective solutions to many of your roofing needs.

The specification of Onduline is superior to any other bituminous-based roofing sheet and the manufacturing process is to ISO 9001. The product's quality meets the most exacting international standards including BBA certification.

Southern Sheeting holds a complete range of Onduline, including roof sheets, ridges, verges, fixings and accessories to be used as an Ondutile system ‘Ondutile’.

We also stock all required ancillaries, from ridges and verge trims, to daylight solutions and all fixings.

Low maintenance

Agricultural and residential use


Full stock range available

Onduline system

Key features

  • Lightweight solution ideal for houses and outbuildings
  • Fast and easy to install
  • Proven to withstand strong winds
  • 100% eco-friendly
  • Superior bituminous-based sheets
  • Easy to maintain and low maintenance

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Onduline roofing and wall cladding

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Onduline inspiration

Help and advice

Beginners’ guide to installing Onduvilla Tiles

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The answer to condensation in garden buildings, garages and warehouses

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Is your garden ready for its moment in the sun?

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Shepherd’s hut created from farm trailer

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Case Study: Party garden ready for friends and family to enjoy

A family are looking forward to a summer of fun after creating an outdoor kitchen and dining area with the expert help of building materials supplier Southern Sheeting. 

Liz Paterson is already planning a party for her children and school friends to celebrate the completion of her garden makeover. An outdoor kitchen and bar area is covered with Cedral cladding supplied by Southern Sheeting. Trex Composite Decking makes up the floor of the outdoor kitchen, providing a surface which is one of the most durable composite decking products on the market, also delivered by Southern Sheeting.